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    • Media review
      17 July 2024

      GSK Stockmann contributed to the publication of the International Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Governance

      The 17th edition of the International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG) to: Corporate Governance has been published by the Global Legal Group providing cross-border insights into corp...

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    • Media review
      11 July 2024

      “Avvocatura made in Italy, ecco i legali che hanno scelto l’estero” – published by Italia Oggi

      GSK Stockmann has been mentioned by Italia Oggi, an Italian daily newspaper that focuses on economic, legal, and political news. The article reports on legal professionals who have...

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    • Media review
      10 July 2024

      Luxemburger Fonds in Restrukturierungssituationen

      Praktische Anwendungsfälle und hierbei auftretende Probleme und Lösungsansätze Von Inflation, steigenden Kosten und dem niedrigen wirtschaftlichen Wachstum sind seit Anfang 2022...

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